1.What were you doing for work before the pandemic?
I was teaching mainly and being a camp counsellor, those jobs have either gone or adapted in a way I can’t work with (being far away and I don’t have a car)
2.What do you miss spending money on these days?
I don’t spend a lot of money but I do miss going to the book or music stores and hanging out and buying music!
3.How do you think your spending will change after the pandemic?
Yes I just don’t know what’s going to happen as I often like to work with pwds (disabled) people and many are immune compromised. And of course as an actor I don’t when things are coming back! I’m honestly not coping, just really anxious! I think I will be putting some more money into finishing my studies and save more and spend less generally, but I’m not sure yet!
4.What are your tips on how to cut costs?
I would say cut costs by buying cheap whenever possible and always divide where you put your spending money and money meant for paying bills, taxes and stuff like that!
Emily Nixon
Rags to Reasonable Community Outreach Coordinator
Emily Nixon is an actor/writer/director/filmmaking Swiss Army Knife. She is also a big money nerd and Community Outreach Coordinator for Rags to Reasonable.
She came to this work after becoming completely fed up with living paycheque-to-paycheque and being too afraid to look in her chequing account. She is passionate about empowering other artists and variable income earners to keep doing what they love and feel confident about their finances.
Email Emily at emily@ragstoreasonable.com